We offer a wide range of rugby posts suitable for school and club use.
In today’s blog post, we’ll focus specifically on our ranges of steel rugby posts and aluminium rugby posts and highlight some of the key things to be aware of to help guide you when choosing your set of posts.
How high should rugby posts be?
The top edge of the crossbar should be 3m from the ground and the total height of each post should exceed 3.4m.
Rugby posts are typically much higher than 3.4m however, and the laws of Rugby (League and Union) state that posts are considered to theoretically extend infinitely upwards. Taller uprights do however make it easier to judge whether the ball has passed between the two posts.
We offer a range of post heights that will suit your rugby pitch size.
How far apart should each rugby post upright be?
Rugby Union and Rugby League rules require posts to be set 5.6m apart.
Aluminium or steel rugby posts?
Steel rugby posts are generally cheaper to buy. Whilst they are often powder coated, they may still be prone to rust over time. Steel posts are generally much heavier than aluminium posts, so great care should be taken when raising and lowering steel rugby posts (see safety considerations below).
Aluminium rugby posts are strong, lightweight and easier to handle. Rusting is not an issue, but aluminium rugby goal posts are generally more expensive than steel equivalents.
Hinged or socketed rugby posts?
Socketed posts are the ‘traditional’ type of rugby posts, with the upright sitting directly into the ground socket. Raising and dismantling socketed rugby posts can be tricky however, so should only be undertaken by a suitable number of professionals.
Hinged rugby posts allow the uprights to be lowered and raised in a much more controlled manner.
Safety considerations

It is strongly recommended that the lower 2m of each upright is padded, for obvious reasons! We supply a range of rugby post protectors to fit a variety of post widths.
When installing rugby posts, great care should be taken to ensure that sockets are held firmly in place with an appropriate amount of concrete as specified by the post manufacturer. We recommend that rugby post sockets are installed by professionals – please contact us for more information on our installation services.
For hinged rugby posts, we offer a Hinged Rugby Post Assembly Roller that attaches to a suitable tractor. Hinged rugby posts can then be slowly and smoothly taken down or raised in a much more controlled way.
Contact us
For advice on choosing a set of rugby posts or for more information on our rugby post installation services, please contact us on 01858 545789.
2 responses to “Buying Guide: Rugby Posts”
I am looking for a quote for:
– socketed aluminium senior rugby posts
-socketed aluminium junior rugby posts
– socketed steel senior rugby posts
– socketed steel junior rugby posts
– 5 aside outdoor football goal posts
I look forward to your reply.
Kind regards
Emmie Seward
Hi Emmie, That’s certainly something we can help with – we’ll be in touch via email soon, alternatively, feel free to call us on 01858 545789 to discuss.